Tuesday, September 2, 2008


A source who interacts with Corporate is left anticipating layoffs and says details of how it will unfold are expected sometime this week.

The number of takers at the Dallas Morning News is fluid. The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, Calif., had more people opting for the buyout than Corporate had anticipated, the source reports. The Providence Journal was below the low end of the target range (35) by 13.


Death said...

Rock of Truth, it's good to see you fighting the good fight. Here's to our newsroom and our colleagues, those who are forced to leave and those left behind.

You see, we are all prisoners of our own industry's corrupt nature, locked in certain patterns of behavior. We can not change the path that management has placed us upon, but we can hope that once the innovation tag is tossed around yet again, that we let the workers have a say in their own destiny.

Fate is a strange mistress and for some reason she has decreed that we must suffer before those who helped create this mess.

Innovate? Let's start by thinning the ranks where it matters most, and that isn't from the bottom, where people contribute to the daily product.

Death said...

Innovate or die gets tossed around a lot around here. Let's actually toss out the baby with the bathwater, don't trust those who got us here to begin with. Start anew with leadership.

Management says that we should trust them and that we will still be a great newspaper, that we should look to past layoffs and buyouts as evidence that we can cut our way to success.

Evidently their memory fades with time. Otherwise, golden parachutes wouldn't be rumored to being handed out to certain managers while regular staffers are let go.

You ask us to remember. And to trust. But what do you do? What do you do when all your memories of those past events are razor blades? When everything you can possibly remember about that time hurts?

We truly love this product. We gave -- and still give -- our lives for it.

Put your money where your mouth is. Let the higher-salaried managers go to save a few people who did nothing to cause this.